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물류대란 관련 국제무역 연구들

choijeo86 2022. 5. 29. 16:31

코로나 팬데믹 이후 전세계적 물류 대란 및 항만 혼잡, 그리고 그로 인한 글로벌 공급망 (혹은 글로벌 가치 사슬) 위기와 재편과 관련해 읽어야 할 논문들 또는 리포트 목록. 

물론 아래 논문/노트/리포트들 말고도 관련된 연구들은 매우 많지만 일단 정리.


- Risks and Global Supply Chains: What We Know and What We Need to Know (Baldwin and Freeman 2021 Annual Review of Economics)


- Effects of COVID-19 on Trade Flows: Measuring their Impact through Government Policy Responses (Barbero, Lucio, Rodriguez-Crespo 2022 PLOS One)


- How Resilient Was Trade to COVID-19? (Bas, Fernandes, Paunov 2022 Working Paper)


- The 2020 Trade Collapse: Exporters Amid the Pandemic (Benguria 2021 Economics Letters)


- Trade under Lockdown (Berthou and Stumpner 2022 Working Paper)


- Global Supply Chains in the Pandemic (Bonadio, Huo, Levchenko, Pandalay-Nayar 2021 Journal of International Economics)


- Cars in Europe: Supply Chains and Spillovers during COVID-19 Times (Boranova et al 2022 Working Paper)


- From Macro to Micro Heterogeneous Exporters in the Pandemic (Bricongne et al 2021 Working Paper)


- Trade and the COVID-19 Pandemic Lessons from French Firms (Brussevich, Papageorgiou, Wibaux 2022 IMF Working Paper)


- The Economic Case for Global Vaccinations: An Epidemiological Model with International Production Networks (Cakmakli et al 2021 Working Paper)


- Global Shipping Container Disruptions and US Agricultural Exports (Carter, Steinbach, Zhuang 2022 Working Paper)


- Supply Bottlenecks: Where, Why, How Much, and What Next? (Celasun et al 2022 Working Paper)


- Globally Engaged Firms in the COVID-19 Crisis (Constantinescu et al 2022 Working Paper)


- Decoupling Global Value Chains (Eppinger, Felbermayr, Krebs, and Kukharskyy 2021 Working Paper)


- Pandemic trade: COVID-19, Remote work and Global Value Chains (Espitia, Mattoo, Rocha, and Ruta 2022 The World Economy)


- Propagation of shocks in global value chains (Gerschel, Martinez, and Mejean 2020 Working Paper)


- Impacts of Lockdown Policies on International Trade (Hayakawa and Mukunoki 2021 Asian Economic Papers)


- The COVID-19 Pandemic and the World Trade Network (Kiyota 2022 Journal of Asian Economics)


- Supply Chains and Port Congestion Around the World (Komaromi, Cerdeiro, Yang 2022 IMF Working Paper)


- The Trade Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic (Liu, Ornealas, Shi 2021 Working Paper)


- Impact of Covid-19 Containment Measures on Trade (Lucio, Mínguez, Minondo, Requena 2022 International Review of Economics and Finance)


- Covid-19 Supply Chain Disruptions (Meier and Pinto 2022 Working Paper)


- Supply Shocks in Supply chains: Evidence from the Early Lockdown in China (Mejean, Lafrogne-Joussier and Martin 2022 IMF Economic Review)


- Disruptions in logistics and supply chains (Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry - Japan 2021) 


- International Trade during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Big Shifts and Uncertainty (OECD 2022)


- Port Congestion, Container Shortages, and US Foreign Trade (Steinbach 2022 Economics Letters)


- Robustness and Resilience of Supply Chains During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Findings from a Questionnaire Survey on the Supply Chain Links of Firms in ASEAN and India (Todo et al 2022 ERIA Working Paper)